Sahara 99544 (CO3), found 1999
The main mass of a CO3
Weight: 642.80g
Size: 100 x 80 x 35 mm
Sahara 99544 (CO3), found 1999, Sahara desert Meteoritical bulletin http://tin.er.usgs.gov/meteor/metbull.php?code=23063
Carbonaceous Chondrite / CO3 / Sahara 99544
SAH99544, CO3, Carbonaceous Chondrite ( Ornans group, type 3)
Meteorite Name : Sahara 99544
Type :CV3. Carbonaceous chondrite (Ornans Group, Type 3)
Country : Not disclosed at present time, Sahara
Co-ordinates: z+0°08'45" w+0°29'28"
Date of Find :1999
Tkw : 1.360 Kg
Sahara 99544 (CO3), found 1999
The main mass of a CO3
Weight: 642.80g
Size: 100 x 80 x 35 mm